November was Charlene‘s month in the Fat Stash Bee. She asked us to follow a tutorial by Elizabeth Hartman for it. It consist of log cabin with a center piece and 4 rings in 4 different colors. She wanted the rings in red, pink, aqua and white. I received an FQ in aqua and a small piece of red fabric to use for the rings. The other fabrics were coming from our stash. For the center piece, the tutorial was suggesting to fussy cut a square from a “picture print” fabric. Happily, I had the same one as in the tutorial: Alexander Henry Starling fabric. It was some remnants from my own project in the Fat Stash Bee. And Charlene seemed to like it.
I had to do a stop at a fabric shop to buy some pink fabric because my stash is lacking of this color. Probably, because I’ve mainly done projects for boys until recently. Anyway, I found a Jelly roll of mixed fabrics all in pink. So, that was pretty handy. I hope that Charlene will like my selection of fabrics and the 2 blocks I’ve sewn for her. So here they are.
Next step, basting and quilting. I was hesitating on whether I should hand or free motion quilted. But, I finally opted for the second choice. I chose to use a grey thread similar to the coal Kona cotton. Let see what I can came up with!
I really like your reflections quilt and I think the circle quilting lines will look great. They seem to be popular these days. Can't wait to see it done.
This is really cool! I'm subscribing to your feed in google reader.